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Friday 31 March 2023

Part 2 - It pays to be a "minority" in the UK - British Advertisements on TV - They're a laugh!

I've noticed this for a LONG time, probably the last 5 years, when I started to again watch British TV.

I at times subscribe to another YouTuber, who recently had something on this, and came to the figure that blacks are in 94% of UK TV adverts!  

Think of that for a minute!  Blacks are at most, 4% of the UK population, but are in 94% of our bloody adverts (Brit Speak for "TV commercials")!  

94%!!!!!  WTF!

In fact, they are simply EVERYWHERE!  For ANY product, ANY TV series, ANY service, no matter the popularity or size of the market.

Hell, if you advertise hamster food nowadays in the United Kingdom, you simply MUST have a brother or sister in your advert!  And I am not lying.  Please see below for some simply, laughable examples:

Ah, the Post Office and private health care providers; just where SO many blacks also shop!

The above is preposterous, as the level  of self-published Blacks is extremely low!

And this is the classic case, perhaps the MOST classic case of Virtual Signalling by the radical, leftist, Guardian reading, UK establishment, to feel guilt free.

But PLEASE tell me, how does this actually assists or helps the, at times, dreadful state of Black Britain?

Will it stop the black on black crime or knife murders in London; where quote:

The figures showed that 13% of murder suspects were black compared to 3% of the population of the United Kingdom (as of the 2010s), and in London 48% of murder suspects compared to 13% of the population.?  

Fuck no!

Will it help the wealth gap shrink between Black and Non-black Brits?  No.

This is maddening and should be IMMEDIATELY investigated by not only our "Conservative" government, but also the Equality & Human Rights Commission, as well as by the Advertising Standards Authority.

I give up.



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