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Friday, 25 June 2021

"Woke wonders of the World" - Do these exist?

After reading about the
New Seven Wonders of the World, I must confess that I knew something about these, but not all.  Then, I began to wonder that even THESE would be offensive to some of the pieces of sh*t out there, with a third rate Twitter account.  Thence, I feel that there is a need to find the 7 Woke Wonders, which can be either those worshiped by the "Wokerei", or those people / things, that are just such outstanding examples of wokery, that they simply HAVE to be on this list.

What would these be?  My thoughts are:

1) Twitter (Management, etc) - Software Application

Filled with those loser Fascists, with too much time on their hands, and complete with a cancel culture on steroids.  I DETEST them.

2) MSM - the Mainstream Media - Media

Need I say more?

3) So many!  I would choose Joe Biden, as he simply has so much power - Person

The mental moron, with a rock's IQ, has been used more in the first 6 months of his (his wife's) presidency, than anybody did in America's first two centuries.  Roll on '24.

4) Google's London Headquarters - Building

A testament to all things woke, from massage rooms, to a running track. Awful!

5)  Veganism - Philosophy

Of all of the eating philosophy's, these ugly, pretentious, miserable snobs, take the (vegan) cake.

6) Biology - Science

They're a disgrace, for never having the balls to push back against all the bollocks on gender and sex - Screw 'em!

7) Education - Profession

The lot of them should be arrested immediately for child abuse.  The quicker we move to home schooling and school choice, the better.


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