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Tuesday 18 January 2022

The Week Ahead - Something for Everyone who thinks Right. . .

Hello, I think I'll use the same photo as last week, to introduce what we do this one.

Look at him!  A complete clown and jerk, who's losing his marbles, who apparently now has some of the lowest approval levels in history - but the MSM will never report on it. 

This week, starting tomorrow, we'll finish my look at the parties that offer a choice versus the major parties in the UK - I'll finish with the Social Democratic Party; who can basically be described as being quite leftist, where they should be leftist; and quite rightist (Ed; is that a word?), when they should be right-wing.

Equally, will look at some things from Glasgow, Scotland, do some arts reviews (Yes!) from things that I've seen recently. And maybe finish one or two economic things we've started in the past.

Until then.


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