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Friday 19 November 2021

Local Governments again; Glasgow are Terrible!

Despite all the shi*e about Westminster, and the dreadful Natzis who control the Scottish Parliament, Glasgow is probably the  worst!

Look here, at our £30,000,000 bridge of only a few hundred metres!

And even an MSP from the SNP (Scottish National Party) said that he was "astounded” that the cost of the  “this fairly basic pedestrian swing bridge” has risen from £2m to £30m.

Utterly and indescribably awful!  Why does this happen?  You know as well as I, if I were to plan that my garden needs £1200 to repair, it just doesn't go up to £3,000 unless something is completely off base.

As the MSP said again, the bridge was "fairly basic"!.  

These type of things should be IMMEDIATELY investigated, but you know as well as I, they will not, or never be!


PS - More on these type of things tomorrow

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